Hoy es el 29 de mayo de 2008. Hace 41 años nació una persona que con sus canciones me ha salvado la vida en varias ocasiones. Decir esto parece una exageración. Pero no lo es, antes – cuando aún tenía algo de sangre – una canción fácilmente me podía salvar. Por eso y por muchas cosas más luego me iré a casa y encenderé una vela, escucharé el mejor disco de su grupo que es Masterplan, me fumaré un Benson & Hedges y me tomaré un Gin Tonic. Él no es el simple compositor o el guitarrista de Oasis, él es el alma de Oasis.
Thank you for Live Forever, Supersonic (my song) and Slide Away – maybe the most beautiful and most heartbreaking love song in the shallow world of British Pop. Thank you for Don’t Look Back in Anger (and not being afraid of singing your most famous song), She’s Electric and Champagne Supernova. Thank you for Magic Pie and the never ending All around The World. Thank you for Talk Tonight, Half The World Away, The Masterplan and the importance of your B-Sides in general. Thank you for Go Let It Out and Sunday Morning Call. Thank you for Stop Crying Your Heart Out (I never did) and Little By Little. Thank you even for Lyla and The Importance Of Being Idle. Thank you for all that and for so much more. Happy Birthday Noel Gallagher! Keep the dream alive.
Thank you for Live Forever, Supersonic (my song) and Slide Away – maybe the most beautiful and most heartbreaking love song in the shallow world of British Pop. Thank you for Don’t Look Back in Anger (and not being afraid of singing your most famous song), She’s Electric and Champagne Supernova. Thank you for Magic Pie and the never ending All around The World. Thank you for Talk Tonight, Half The World Away, The Masterplan and the importance of your B-Sides in general. Thank you for Go Let It Out and Sunday Morning Call. Thank you for Stop Crying Your Heart Out (I never did) and Little By Little. Thank you even for Lyla and The Importance Of Being Idle. Thank you for all that and for so much more. Happy Birthday Noel Gallagher! Keep the dream alive.